Sunday 25 October 2009

the ever-present future / the recent past

After Mayfair, The Temporary School of Thought has been temporarily living a nomadic clandestine existence, this recent update to our site marks the advent of a new age for the temporary school.

We've been designing new tools and text books in preparation for our future reincarnation, we invite you to join us in pooling ideas and resources via the internet super highway, in the form of our blog and soon to be manifest temporaryschool wiki.

Get involved! The Temporary School is not us run as freeschool but you coming and running it with us. If you'd like to give a lecture, hold a workshop or come along to help with cooking or building, please email us with what you want to do, what you need to do it and when you'd like to do it...

a space where people come together to share knowledge, non-descript skills, tactical imagination, darwinism, passive action. an ongoing transitory project/event of mutual learning, bias free, lectures, inert radicalism, workshops, discussion and film screenings.


persons_unknown [at]

temporary school of thought by temporary school of thought is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 2.0 UK: England & Wales License.

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